Te leTa lke r
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Mo d e l TEL 040
MAN 088B
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Ta b le Of Conte nts
Te le Ta lke r Enha nc e d Am p lifie d Te le p hone Syste m , Mod e l TEL 040
Conte nts
Pa g e
Sa fe ty Inform a tion
Introd uc tion
Features & Functions
Insta lla tion Ste p s
Table/Desk Installation
Wall Plate Installation
Bare Wall Installation
Te le Ta lke r Op e ra tion
Using The Amplify Function
Making A Call
Answering A Call
Using The TeleTalker With A Hearing Aid
Using the TeleTalker with Auxiliary Devices
In Ca se Of Diffic ulty
FCC Notic e s
Wa rra nty
Sp e c ific a tions
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
Introd uc tion
Congratulations on the purchase of your TeleTalker®
Enhanced Amplified Telephone System, Model TEL 040.This
state-of-the-art Williams Sound product is designed and built
with premium quality parts for your assurance of reliability.
The TeleTalker® is designed to improve the audibility and
understandability of incoming voice signals by reducing
unwanted line noise. It’s also designed to improve the clarity
of the sound signal by emphasizing higher frequency speech
sounds.The TeleTalker functions as either an amplified tele-
phone or as a normal telephone for users who don’t need
We suggest you read this user manual carefully to become
familiar with the TeleTalker’s features and their function.The
manual explains how to install, use, and care for your new
Com p one nts
The following items are included with the TeleTalker:
• Handset
• Base
• Coiled handset cord
• Power pack
• Wall cords (2)
• User Manual
Fe a ture s & Func tions
Amplify Button
Turns Amplify and Enhance functions
on and off.
Amplify Indicator
Enhance Control
Lights when Amplify function is on.
Increases high frequency sounds
(high frequency boost).
Volume Control
Ring Indicator
Redial Button
Increases sound volume.
Flashes when TeleTalker rings.
Redials last number dialed.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Pulse/Tone Switch
Selects Pulse (rotary phone systems)
or Touch-Tone Dialing.
Ringer Volume
Adjusts Ringer volume level.
Ringer Tone Control Adjusts Ringer tone.
Neckloop/Aux Jack Allows use of neckloops and cochlear
processors with the TeleTalker.
Fig. 1:TeleTalker Features & Functions
Enha nc e Control
Bo o sts hig h fre q ue nc y
sp e e c h so und s up to
30 d B (a c tiva te d b y
Am p lify b utto n)
Volum e
Bo o sts vo lum e
up to 25 d B
(a c tiva te d b y
Am p lify b utto n)
Pulse / Tone Switc h
To g g le s b e twe e n Pulse
a nd To uc h-To ne d ia ling
m o d e s
Fla shing Ring
Ind ic a tor
Fla she s re d to
ind ic a te ring
Sp e c ia l
Ha nd se t
Sp e a ke r
Provid e s sup e rio r
so und q ua lity
Ring e r
Ad justa b le
to m e e t
yo ur
Ne c kloop / Aux
Ja c k
3.5 m m ja c k fo r use
with ne c klo o p s,
c o c hle a r p ro c e sso rs,
a nd o the r a ssistive
d e vic e s
ind ivid ua l
ne e d s
Dyna m ic Noise
Re d uc tion (DNR)
Re m ove s
unwa nte d
b a c kg ro und line
no ise
Ring e r
Volum e
Ad justs ring e r
vo lum e up to
95 d BA
Dyna m ic Sig na l
Proc e ssing
(Hi, Lo , & Off)
Im p rove s sp e e c h
c la rity
Big Buttons
Ea sy to se e
a nd use
Anti-Fe e d b a c k
Circ uitry
Pre ve nts howling
(fe e d b a c k)
a t hig h vo lum e
Am p lify Button
Switc he s a m p lify
func tio n o n a nd o ff.
Re d ia l Button
Auto ma tic a lly re d ia ls
la st num b e r c a lle d
Am p lific a tion
Ind ic a tor
Glows re d whe n
c a ll is a m p lifie d
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
Insta lla tion Ste p s
Step 1: Make sure you have a 115 VAC wall outlet and tele-
phone jack within 6 feet of the place you’ve chosen
to install the telephone. If you have an older 4-prong
jack, you’ll need a modular jack adapter.These
adapters are available from electronic, phone, and
other retail stores.
Step 2: Place the Pulse/Tone Switch, located on the side of
the phone, in either Tone or Pulse (Rotary Dial Pulse).
Make sure you choose the correct dialing mode.
Tone dialing will not work if you have only dial
pulse (rotary) service.
fig. 2: Pulse/Tone Switch
Pulse / Tone Switc h
Switc he s b e twe e n to uc h-to ne
a nd ro ta ry d ia l m o d e s.
AC 12 V/0.85A
Step 3: Set Ringer Volume and Tone Controls to desired level.
(see fig.3)
fig. 3: Ringer Controls
Ring e r Volum e Control
Ad justs ring e r vo lum e (Hi, Lo , Off)
Ring e r Tone Control
Ad justs ring e r p itc h (I, II, III)
Step 4: Plug the coiled handset cord into the handset. Plug
the other end into the telephone base. (see fig. 4)
fig. 4: Handset Connection
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Step 5: Plug the Power Pack cord into the Power Jack locat-
ed at the top end of the telephone. Plug the Power
Pack into an unswitched AC outlet within 6 feet of
the telephone. (see fig. 5)
fig. 5: Power Connection
Step 6: Perform either Table/Desk installation or Wall installa-
tion as outlined on the following pages.
For Ta b le / De sk Insta lla tions
Step 1: Plug the long line cord into the jack on the back of
the telephone base. (see fig. 6)
Step 2: Plug the other end of the line cord into a modular
baseboard jack. Make sure both ends snap into place
firmly. (see fig. 6)
fig. 6: Line Cord Connection
Step 3: Lift the handset and check for dial tone. If you don’t
hear a dial tone, see In Case Of Difficulty, page 12.
Note: To disconnect, squeeze the clip on the plug and pull
it out from the jack. Remove the Power Pack plug
from telephone.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
For Wa ll Pla te Insta lla tions
If you prefer, the TeleTalker can also be mounted on a studded
wall phone plate. If you don’t have a phone plate installed,
talk to your phone company or local phone products store.
Step 1: Clip the plastic wall mounting bracket (included) into
bottom of the TeleTalker base unit. (see fig. 7) Make
sure the tabs snap in securely. This will make the
base unit level with the wall.
Step 2: Reverse the handset hanger found in the handset cra-
dle to prevent the handset from falling.
Step 3: Plug the short line cord into the jack on the top of
the telephone and thread the line through the chan-
nel to the cavity on the back of the base unit.
Step 4: Hold the telephone next to the wall-phone jack and
plug the line cord into the jack, leaving any slack in
the base unit cavity. Then push the phone against the
mounting studs so the studs are hooked into the
upper and lower keyhole slots of the phone. Slide
the phone down until it snaps into place. (see fig. 7)
Step 5: Check for a dial tone. If you can’t hear a dial tone,
see In Case Of Difficulty, page 12.
Note: To remove a wall-mounted telephone, slide the phone
up and pull it slightly away from the wall.
Disconnect the line cord by squeezing the clip on the
modular plug and pulling it from the jack.
fig. 7:Wall Installation
Short Wa ll Cord
Wa ll Mount
Bra c ke t
Stud d e d Wa ll
Phone Pla te
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Ba re Wa ll Insta lla tion
Even if you don’t have a studded wall phone plate, you can
still mount the TeleTalker on any wall surface within six feet
of a standard modular jack and AC outlet. To mount the
phone farther from the jack you’ll need a longer line cord or
a telephone extension cord. In either case, place the AC
power pack in a location which will not be subject to distur-
Step 1: Measure and mark the wall for mounting screws.
Mark two points 3-14⁄ inches apart for upper and lower
mounting screws. The lower mark should be 48–52
inches from the floor. Use a level to make sure the
marks are aligned vertically.
Step 2: Install the mounting screws (not included).
Use wood screws for stud mounting, anchor screws
for hollow wall mounting. Drive the screws almost
completely in, leaving a 1
⁄ inch space between the
wall surface and the bottom of the screw head (about
the thickness of two stacked pennies).
Step 3: Reverse the handset hanger to prevent the handset
from falling.
Step 4: Mount the TeleTalker.
Hang the telephone on the mounting screws and
push down gently until it snaps into place
Step 5: Connect the line cord to the jack on the top of the
phone. Plug the other end of the line cord into a
modular wall jack.
Make sure it snaps firmly into place.
Step 6: Connect the AC power pack to a wall AC outlet.
Step 7: Check for the dial tone.
If you can’t hear a dial tone, see In Case Of Difficulty,
page 12.
Note: To disconnect the telephone, squeeze the clip on the
modular plug and pull it out of the jack.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
Te le Ta lke r® Op e ra tion
Using The Am p lify Func tion
Before amplifying a call, turn the volume and enhance controls
to their minimums. To amplify a call, press the Amplify button.
This button switches amplification on and off.The red indica-
tor light will glow when apmlification is on. Amplification
automatically turns off when you hang up the phone.
The TeleTalker is capable of amplifying sounds to a very loud vol-
ume. Always set the VOLUME CONTROL to the MINIMUM setting
before using the phone.To prevent misuse of the phone by someone
who is unfamiliar with its operation and capabilities, DO NOT
remove warning labels. Instruct all users in its proper operation.
Do not let children play with the TeleTalker. When the Amplify func-
tion is not activated, the TeleTalker functions as a normal telephone.
Using The Volum e Control
Turn the volume control knob clockwise to increase volume,
counter–clockwise to decrease volume.
Using The Enha nc e m e nt Control
Turn the Enhance control knob clockwise to boost high fre-
quencies, counter–clockwise to decrease the boost of high
Ma king A Ca ll
Step 1: Lift the handset and check the Volume Control setting.
Step 2: Press the Amplify button. The Red LED should light.
Step 3: Adjust the Volume and Enhance Controls to comfort-
able levels.
Step 4: When you hear a dial tone, dial the number and use as
a regular phone.
Step 5: Adjust the volume and enhancement controls for best
understanding of the remote party.When you hang-
up, the Amplify function automatically turns off.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Answe ring A Ca ll
Step 1: Check the Volume Control setting, lift the handset.
Step 2: Press the Amplify button. The red Amplify indicator
should light.
Step 3: Adjust the Volume and Enhance controls to comfort-
able settings.
Step 4: When you hang-up the phone, the Amplify function
automatically turns off.
Using the Te le Ta lke r With A He a ring Aid
The handset can be used directly with hearing aids equipped
with a telecoil (T-coil ). Move your hearing aid T-switch to the
“T”position and hold the handset close to your hearing aid.The
volume can be adjusted with the TeleTalker volume control.
Using the Te le Ta lke r With Auxilia ry Assistive Liste ning De vic e s
Through its 3.5mm Neckloop/Aux Jack, the TeleTalker can be
used with a variety of assistive listening devices (ALDs) such
as neckloops, headphones, and cochlear processors. Note:
An attenuator cord (WCA 040) must be used with cochlear
processors. Neckloops may be plugged directly into the jack.
fig. 8: Connecting An ALD
Step 1: Plug the device into the Neckloop/Aux jack (see fig. 8).
Step 2: Set the volume control to about half of full.
Step 3: Turn on the ALD and adjust the volume for comfortable
Step 4: If the sound is weak, increase the volume on the
TeleTalker, then on your ALD.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In Ca se Of Diffic ulty
Ca nnot he a r the othe r p e rson sp e a k. This only oc c urs
whe n the Te le Ta lke r is in Am p lify m od e .
When you use the Amplify feature, the TeleTalker operates in
half-duplex mode. This means that while you speak, the hand-
set receiver shuts off. If it did not, the extremely loud vol-
umes produced by the TeleTalker would cause feedback.
When using the TeleTalker in Amplify mode, do not speak
when the other party is speaking.
Ca n a nswe r c a lls b ut c a nnot m a ke the m
The pulse/tone switch is set in the wrong position. Change it
to pulse mode.
No d ia l tone whe n you p ic k-up ha nd se t
There are a number of potential causes to this problem:
1. Cords on handset or phone are not plugged into jacks.
Make sure connectors are plugged in securely.
2. The cord could be damaged. If so, replace the cord.
3. The wall jack could be improperly wired. Check the wall
jack for proper wiring.
4. Your phone line could be out of order. Contact your local
phone company.
Ca n m a ke c a lls, b ut p hone d oe sn’t ring for inc om ing c a lls.
There are a number of potential causes to this problem:
1. The handset may not be placed properly on the base.
Make sure it is resting properly on the base.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
2. The Ringer Volume Control may be set to OFF. Adjust the
switch to LO or HI.
3. Too many phones or phone devices may be connected to
the same line. If so, remove other phones or devices from
4. The Pulse/Tone Switch may be in the wrong position. Your
phone line may be set to accept only pulse dialing. If so,
be sure to set this switch correctly.
Ne c kloop will not work with the Te le Ta lke r.
1. Only hearing aids with a telecoil coupler (or “T-coil”) work
with neckloops. If your hearing aid does not have a T-coil, it
will not work with a neckloop.
2. Check that the neckloop has been plugged into the
Neckloop/ Aux jack on the side of the TeleTalker and that
your hearing aid is set in the “T” position.
3. Try using the neckloop with another device (such as a
radio) to make sure the neckloop is working.
Coc hle a r Proc e ssor will not work with Te le Ta lke r.
1. An attenuator cord (WCA 040) must be used with cochlear
processors. If you do not have this cord, call your dealer or
Williams Sound
2. If you have an attenuator cord and your cochlear processor
is still not working, contact the manufacturer of your
cochlear processor.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
FCC Re g istra tion Notic e
Your new TeleTalker product has been registered with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This prod-
uct complies with standards in Part 68 of the FCC Rules. The FCC requires us to provide you with the following
1. Connection and use with the nationwide telephone network
The FCC requires that you connect your product to the nationwide telephone network through a modular
telephone outlet or jack. The modular telephone outlet or jack to which the telephone must be connected
is a USOC RJ-11C or RJ-11W.
This equipment may not be used with Party Line Service or with Coin Telephone Lines.
2. Notification to the telephone company
The FCC requires that upon request of your local telephone company, you provide the following informa-
A. The ‘line’ to which you will connect the telephone equipment (your phone number).
B. The telephone equipment’s FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN). These
numbers are on the back or bottom of your telephone equipment.
The REN is useful to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still
have them ring when your telephone line is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of all REN’s
should be 5 or less. You may want to contact your local telephone company if you experience prob-
3. Repair instructions
If it is determined that your telephone equipment is malfunctioning, the FCC requires that it not be used
and that it be unplugged from the modular outlet until the problem has been corrected. Repairs to this
telephone equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or its authorized agents or by others who
may be authorized by the FCC. For repair procedures, follow the instructions under the section entitled
4. Rights of the telephone company
If your product is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily dis-
continue your telephone service. If possible, they will notify you before they interrupt service. If advance
notice isn’t practical, you’ll be notified as soon as possible. You’ll be given the opportunity to correct the
problem, and you’ll be informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that
could effect the proper functioning of your TeleTalker product. If such changes are planned, you’ll be
5. This telephone is compatible with inductively coupled (Telecoil) hearing aids.
Inte rfe re nc e Inform a tion: Pa rt 15 Of FCC Rule s
Some telephone equipment generates and uses radio-frequency energy and, if not installed properly, may cause
interference to radio and television reception.
Your TeleTalker product has been tested and found to meet the standards for a Class B computing device, as speci-
fied in Subpart J of Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation.
If your TeleTalker product causes interference to radio or television reception when it’s in use, you might correct
the interference with any one of these measures.
Where it can be done safely, re-orient the receiving telephone or radio antenna.
To the extent possible, relocate the television, radio or other receiver with respect to the telephone equip-
3. If your telephone product runs on AC power, plug your product into an AC outlet that’s not in the same
circuit as one used by your radio or television.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Wa rra nty
Williams Sound Products are engineered and manufactured to
give many years of trouble free service. Occasionally, latent
defects will occur. If this happens, return the product to us
with shipping cost prepaid and advise us by letter of the
observed difficulty.
During the first five years following the date of purchase, we
will promptly repair or replace the product and return it at
our expense. After five years from the date of purchase, we
will service our products for a modest service charge. Please
return the enclosed warranty card to register your date of
This warranty does not extend to intentional or accidental
physical damage, or damage caused by leaking batteries.
Cords and power supply are warranted for 90 days. This war-
ranty applies only to products returned to Williams Sound for
To return a product for service, call the phone number below
and request a Return Authorization (RA) number.
Unauthorized modifications or repairs of the product will
void the warranty.
Williams Sound ®
Helping People Hear
In sta lla tio n G u id e & Use r Ma n u a l
Te le Ta lke r® Mo d e l TEL 040
Te le Ta lke r Am p lifie d Te le p hone , Mod e l TEL 040
Dim e nsio ns:
2.2" D, 8.9" H, 7.6" W (56m m D, 226m m H, 192m m W)
White with d a rk g ra y c o ntro ls
25 d B ma ximum
Co lo r:
Wid e -b a nd Ga in:
Hig h Fre q ue nc y Ga in:
Aud io Fre q . Re sp o nse :
Ma x. HF Ac o ustic Ga in:
Sa t. Ac o ustic Outp ut:
To ta l Ha rm . Disto rtio n:
30 d B ma ximum
300 Hz to 2800 Hz, ± 3 d B
55 d B
130 d B SSPL
< 3% a t 120 d B SPL o utp ut,
1000 Hz, Enha nc e c o ntro l a t m in
Sig na l to No ise Ra tio :
Sig na l Pro c e ssing :
No ise Re d uc tio n:
Ring e r Vo lum e Co ntro l:
Ring e r Lo ud ne ss:
Ring e r Pitc h Co ntro l:
Fla she r:
51 d B, NAB We ig hte d
Dyna m ic Sig na l Pro c e ssing
Dyna m ic No ise Re d uc tio n (DNR®)*
Hi, Lo , Off
90-95 d BA SPL a t 1 m e te r (Hi p o sitio n)
Ad justa b le , 3 p o sitio ns (lo , m e d , hi)
Jum b o LED, hig h visib ility, re d
Ne c klo o p / Aux. Ja c k:
3.5 m m m o no ja c k,
2.7 Ω im p e d a nc e , 150 m W ma x. o utp ut
Co nne c tio ns:
2-wire c e ntra l o ffic e c o nne c tio n, m o d ula r p lug
Ring e r Eq uiv. Num b e r (REN): 1.0B
Powe r:
Inc lud e s 12 VAC p owe r sup p ly
Five Ye a rs, Pa rts a nd La b o r**
Wa rra nty:
Tra d e ma rk o f Na tio na l Se m ic o nd uc to r Co rp .
** 90 d a ys o n c o rd s a nd p owe r sup p ly
Williams Sound Corp.
Distributed by HITEC - 8160 S Madison St -
Burr Ridge, IL 60527 U.S.A. 800-288-8303
www.hitec.com / info@hitec.com
© 1999, Willia m s So und Co rp . MAN 088B
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